Wednesday, September 11, 2013


Nearly three out of five Christian young adults disconnect from church, and a primary reason is a perceived tension between science and their faith. Twenty-five percent believe that “Christianity is anti-science,” according to the Barna Group. A recent YouGov survey revealed that belief in naturalistic evolution (without God’s involvement) has increased 8% since 2004.

Alarmed at the growing number of young people leaving Christianity, especially over the issue of origins, Ray Comfort in an ambitious project aimed at reversing the trend produced Evolution vs. God: Shaking the Foundations of Faith, a 36-minute DVD which has been described as “revealing, thought-provoking, and challenging” by Norm Geisler and a “tour de force” by apologist James White.

Ray Comfort said, “The church is losing its kids to the world over the evolution issue, and it’s a problem that should alarm all of us. Outspoken atheists have been poisoning the future leaders of our nation and leading them away from God. I am deeply concerned that many of our young people are being drawn into deception because they think Darwinian evolution is scientific. But ask for the actual evidence, and you’ll find it just isn’t there.”

“I want to get this weapon of knowledge into the hands of parents,” the best-selling author added. “The church should be armed with the facts about this vital issue and get serious about teaching it. Our young people need to understand the truth - so they don’t succumb to the lie of evolution themselves, and so they can be equipped to explain it to others.”

I recommend this short DVD film and strongly feel it is a must for every Christian home.

RAY COMFORT is the best-selling author of more than 70 books. He is also the co-host of an award-winning television program (with actor Kirk Cameron) which is seen in 123 countries. He has spoken on the subject of atheism at Yale and other prestigious universities; debated on ABC's Nightline; and written, God Doesn't Believe in Atheists, The Atheist Test (booklet-over one million copies sold), You can Lead an Atheist to Evidence But You can't Make Him Think (WND publishing). He was a platform speaker for American Atheists, Inc., at their 2001 National Convention.

The movie is available on DVD or can be freely viewed here.
Amazon review link

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